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How to Remove Juice Stains

The nutrients in fresh juice are a necessary part of a healthy diet. Even better, your kids love drinking it. The only problem is that kids tend to be a little messy and before you know it, someone has spilt juice down the front oftheir shirt. What should you do? Here are a few tips on what to do next.

Types of Juice Stains

Fruits and vegetables give us all types of juices, including:

  • Grape juice
  • Lemon juice
  • Kool aid
  • Ribena
  • Cherry juice
  • Cranberry juice
  • Celery juice
  • Beet juice
  • Strawberry juice
  • Tomato juice
  • Apple juice
  • Pomegranate juice
  • Carrot juice

It doesn’t matter whether the stain was from a fruit juice or a vegetable juice, you must act quickly if you’re going to get it out.

Remove Juice Stains: Step by Step

  1. Choose a Cold Power detergent and stain remover
  2. Remove as much excess liquid as you can
  3. Flush with cool water from the back
  4. Apply your Cold Power detergent to the front of the stain
  5. Wash at the highest temperature possible that is safe for the fabric (refer to the care label)
  6. Verify the stain is gone

Choose a Detergent and Stain Remover

The first thing you want to do is have a detergent handy that is safe to use on the fabric type and is compatible with the colour of the clothing. Cold Power should be safe for most laundry types, but always read the instructions and your laundry item’s care label.


Using a clean white cloth, blot the area on and around the stain to remove as much liquid as possible. Next, turn the clothing inside out. Using cool water, flush the stain from the back. Return the clothing to its original state, then apply your Cold Power detergent to the stain. Let it sit for a couple of minutes.

Wash and Rinse

Check the garment label to see what the safest, hottest water temperature is for the fabric, then wash at that temperature.

Verify the Stain is Gone

Is the stain still there after washing? Don’t dry it yet. Instead, create a mixture of water and your Cold Power detergent. Soak the clothing for up to an hour in the mixture. Some stubborn stains may require even more soaking time.

How to Get Juice Stains Out of Special Laundry Types and Fabrics

While getting juice stains out of polyester, denim or cotton shirts and trousers may seem normal, these laundry items aren’t the only things vulnerable to juice stains. Upholstery and tablecloths are as well. Many of these cannot be machine-washed, so you may have to spot-treat with Cold Power Sensitive. To do this, blot to remove as much liquid as possible, apply your detergent, rinse and blot dry. Repeat as needed until you no longer see the stain.

Removing Red Juice Stains From White Clothing

Red juice stains are tough to get out, especially from white clothing. When you’re trying to get rid of a strawberry juice stain or a cranberry juice stain on your white clothing, follow these steps precisely. Keep in mind that with red juices you may have to repeat the pre-treatment and wash steps more than once.

While juice stains may be unsightly, they aren’t impossible to remove if you are quick about cleaning them. Use these tips to do just that!